Article VI - Local Dues And Assessments
Section 1 - Local Dues
Each member of the Local shall pay membership dues minimum as set forth in the CWA Constitution or Convention action.
Section 2 - Local Special Assessments
The membership of this Local may levy a special assessment only in the same manner as provided for changing Local dues. However, any special assessments levied shall be in compliance with Article VI of the Union Constitution.
Article VII - Governing Authority
Section 1 - Membership
The affairs of this Local shall be governed by its members in accordance with the Constitution and Policies of the Union in the following manner:
(a) Through action taken in membership meetings or by referendum of the membership.
(b) Through actions and decisions of the Executive Board between membership meetings.
(c) Through actions and decisions of the Local Officers between meetings of the Executive Board.
(d) The actions and decisions of the Executive Board and Officers of the Local between Local meetings may be overruled by membership in a Local meeting or by referendum.
Section 2 - Executive Board
The Local Executive Board shall consist of the following:
(1) President
(2) Executive Vice-President
(3) Secretary/Treasurer
Above Officers to be elected by the entire membership of the Local.
(4) Area Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the members in each respective area of responsibility.
The Executive Board will have the following Area Vice-Presidents:
Vice-President, Cingular
Vice-President, Clinton
Vice-President, Dunn
Vice-President, Fayetteville
Vice-President, Fayetteville Service Center
Vice-President, Fayetteville Business Office
Vice-President, Smithfield
Vice-President, Whiteville
Article VIII - Local Meetings
(a) Regular meetings of this Local shall be held on the second Tuesday of every other month. Special meetings ma be called by a majority vote of the Local Officers, or by a petition signed by 10% of the members. Upon the receipt of a proper petition, the Local Officers shall call a special meeting to be held within 10 days.
(b) Area membership meetings shall be held each month in which a Local membership meeting is not held, on a date to be determined by the membership of the area.
(c) Regular Executive Board meetings shall be held monthly. Special Executive Board meeting shall be called by the President or at the request of one-third (1/3) of the Executive Board members.
Article IX - Local Delegates To International Convention and To District Convention With Which Local 3680 Is Affiliated.
A. The President shall be an automatic delegate to the International Convention and to the District Convention with which Local 3680 is affiliated. Other delegates and alternate delegates to the Union convention and to the District Convention with which CWA Local 3680 is affiliated shall be elected by the membership voting by secret ballot conducted not less than 30 days in advance of the Union Convention or the District Convention with which Local 3680 is affiliated.
B. In the event the Local elects more than one delegate to the Union Convention, the votes shall be assigned to each delegate in accordance with Article VIII of the Union Constitution.
C. It shall be the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer of the Local to certify the Local delegates to the Union Convention to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Union within the time limits specified in Article VIII of the Union Constitution.
D. To be eligible for nomination as delegate or alternate to the International Convention and the District Convention, a member must have attended (4) four local meetings during the (12) twelve months prior to the meeting.
Article X - Local Committees
A. The Local shall have the following regular committees:
1. Education Committee
2. Election Committee
3. Organizing Committee
4. Legislative Committee
5. Membership Committees
6. Community Services Committee
7. Mobilization Committee
B. Chairman of all committees shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Local Executive Board, subject to the right of the Local membership to overrule such appointments.
C. Vacancies on committees shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
D. A member of any Local committee may be removed by majority vote of the Local Executive Board, subject to the right of the Local to overrule the action of the Local Executive Board. A committee member may also be removed by action of the Local in a membership meeting.
E. Duties of Committees:
1. Membership Committees---The membership committees shall accept or reject membership applications in accordance with the By-Laws and rules of this Local and Article V of the CWA Constitution and Policies of the Union.
2. Legislative Committee---The Legislative Committee shall assist in developing and pursuing the program of the Union and the Local in the Legislative field. It shall be responsible for Local's program to register each qualified voter.
3. Organizing Committee---The Organizing Committee shall assist the Local Executive Board and members in organizing all non-Union employees within the Local's jurisdiction.
4. Election Committee---The Election Committee shall conduct all nominations and elections and referendum of this Local.
5. Education Committee---The Education Committee shall assist in developing the Local's educational program, and with the Local Executive Board, be responsible for effectuating the Union's and Local's educational programs.
6. Community Services---The Community Services Committee shall assist in developing and carrying out all Community Services programs.
7. Mobilization Committee---The Mobilization Committee shall co-ordinate all Mobilization activities.